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Extraordinarily nice

Hello again. It took me a while, but here I am, ravishing as ever and ready to thrill you with yet another story. I kind of promised to myself that this blog won't be all music hoohah but because A) I have experienced something magnificent and B) I'm not very good at keeping promises I make to myself anyway, I will write about my yesterday evening. Because it was magic. And because it made me admit, for once and to my big grief, I have been a fool.

To start with, you have to know that I am a die hard Queen fan. I’ve spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours listening to music of Queen and the members’ solo careers. I’ve spent countless nights watching concerts and interviews, I’ve read book after another to find out every little detail about these four men. I’ve declared Roger Taylor to be the reason why I’ll be always single because let’s face it, he’s the love of my life and who could possibly top him?

I’ve cried because of them. And I’ve stopped crying thanks to them. I’ve straightened my back and spat “screw you” with the power gained from their music when world has tried to put me down. And I’ve laughed, and felt good about myself thanks to them.Last autumn I became friends with one of the nicest guys in the world thanks to them.

And because of them, I’ve been rather stubborn. My Queen lineup has been Roger, Brian, John and Freddie and that’s it. It wouldn’t stretch around Paul Rodgers or, goodness me, Adam Lambert, never! If we can’t have Freddie, why even try? He can’t be replaced, can he?Well, of course the answer still is no. Freddie can’t be replaced. But nobody’s even trying, and yesterday I was taken by a huuuuge surprise.

I haven't been exactly a fan of Adam Lambert. I've thought that he's somewhat... well, you know. A pop star. An Idols star. Plastic, glitter and not much else. The idea that that sort of a thing is part of my precious band has been hideous and rather unholy. I know it's unfair, and yeah, I agree that it's been stupid, but you have to understand that I am really talking about one of the most important things in my life here so please, forgive me.

But now, we'll get to my point. Yesterday evening was the fulfillment of a long, long dream when I got to scream in the audience when my heroes, Roger Taylor and Brian May walked on stage with... Adam Lambert. The band started to play, and it was great, of course. I could probably watch Brian and Roger to play poker for three hours and think it's a great show (not to underestimate their showmanship, they are incredible performers!!). And I have to say, I started to warm a little bit. Maybe this Adam guy isn't all terrible thing. He sang well, of course, and he has charisma.

But, after all, it took only one song and I was blown away. The band started playing a song called Killer Queen (if you don't know it, do check out because it is fabulous). For those who aren't too familiar with the history of Queen, here's a brief description: the song dates back to 1974, when Queen was all about black velvet and nail polish, glitter, jewelries, winged eyeliner, a mile wide guitar solos, cheering with a glass of champagne and basically just doing everything with a big bang. In my opinion Killer Queen is a song in which that all escalates pretty nicely.

So, back to present time. On stage there was this rather good looking young man, wrapped in his huge feather coat and diva-ish glamour, who suddenly stops singing Play the Game, throws himself on the big, black throne on stage, crosses his legs, gives the audience a big cat-like smile and starts singing the song. Every hand movement, every facial expression was perfectly tuned and well fitting and gave the song even some extra shine.

Needless to say, he captured my love and stole my heart before the song ended. He's no Freddie, but he isn't trying to be. He's a guy who sings with Queen and who respects the crap out of Freddie, and what he does completely with his heart. For me Queen has been the symbol of perfect luxury, flamboyance and the balance between sophistication and rough rock, and got to say, Adam reaches pretty high on all of the requirements.

All in all, it was a good night. No, it was an excellent night. I cried, I laughed, and I loved every moment so much. And I am so happy to say that I left the place even with more love in my heart than what I had in the beginning of the gig.

So, that was a rather lengthy update of what's up. Next time, whenever that will be, I'll really say something meaningful. Until that, stay fab!


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